Sleep Disorders Table of Contents PEMFS AND SLEEP There is a universal phenomena that I see in people using PEMFs, regardless of the  PEMF system. People almost universally describe improvement in sleep. Because of this feedback, I felt it was important to dedicate an update to the subject of sleep disorders. Sleep disturbances are very […]


Sleep and Magnetic Field Treatment Table of Contents PULSED MAGNETIC FIELDS HELP SLEEP Sleep problems are common and do not have a single cause. Insomnia, for example, is not a disease. There is no single definition of insomnia that applies to all people with that problem. Multiple aspects are at play in any given person’s […]


Shingles Table of Contents PEMFs are expected to decrease the inflammation and pain related to shingles attacks. The potential for benefit will depend on how soon you start treatment after the attack becomes apparent. This is typical for most other health conditions as well – the sooner PEMFs are used, the better. PEMFS CAN HELP […]


Selecting a PEMF System – The First Essential Steps Table of Contents If you are considering selecting a PEMF system for your health, the number of choices can be overwhelming. So, what are some of the most important considerations to make the right choice? Since getting a PEMF system is an investment in your present […]

Selected Literature on Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields

Selected Literature on Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Table of Contents Dr. Pawluk regularly reviews literature on magnetic technologies and treatments. Below, we have listed some excerpts from a range of publications and articles we believe to be interesting and thorough, and which show support for the basic concepts of the healing effects of magnetic field therapy. […]

Seizures and Epilepsy

Seizures and Epilepsy Table of Contents An important new study shows that seizures may be inhibited by the prior use of low frequency, low intensity PEMFs. POSITIVE FINDINGS IN RECENT STUDY Mice were injected with an agent that almost always induces seizures. There were several groups. One did not get PEMF exposure to serve as […]


Scleroderma Table of Contents WHAT IS SCLERODERMA OR PROGRESSIVE SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS (PSS)? Scleroderma or progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) is a very complex condition, with a major autoimmune component. Food allergies need to be ruled out as a potential cause. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) may be effective for controlling certain aspects of scleroderma. However, it would […]

Repairing The Weekend Warrior With PEMFs

Repairing The Weekend Warrior with PEMFs Table of Contents I am now reminded every day that I am in my 60s. My body reminds me from multiple locations. While I’m not a professional or even a semiprofessional athlete, I have accumulated numerous aches and pains as a weekend warrior over the years.  My first significant […]

Reduce Pain During and After Shingles

Reduce Pain During and After Shingles Table of Contents The pain associated with shingles (herpes zoster – HZ) is one of the most intolerable pains people have to endure. And, about 1 out of 5 people, after a shingles attack, will experience a worse, persisting, and debilitating pain called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). The pain can […]

Psychiatric and Neurological Conditions

Psychiatric and Neurological Conditions Table of Contents PEMFS AND PSYCHIATRIC AND NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS There is much press recently about the use of FDA approval. This involves high intensity, prescription level, repetitive/rapid transcranial magnetic field (rTMS) stimulation. It is for the treatment of psychiatric and neurological conditions.  PEMF therapy for brain and neurological conditions has greatly increased curiosity […]