Scleroderma Table of Contents WHAT IS SCLERODERMA OR PROGRESSIVE SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS (PSS)? Scleroderma or progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) is a very complex condition, with a major autoimmune component. Food allergies need to be ruled out as a potential cause. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) may be effective for controlling certain aspects of scleroderma. However, it would […]
Repairing The Weekend Warrior With PEMFs
Repairing The Weekend Warrior with PEMFs Table of Contents I am now reminded every day that I am in my 60s. My body reminds me from multiple locations. While I’m not a professional or even a semiprofessional athlete, I have accumulated numerous aches and pains as a weekend warrior over the years. My first significant […]
Reduce Pain During and After Shingles
Reduce Pain During and After Shingles Table of Contents The pain associated with shingles (herpes zoster – HZ) is one of the most intolerable pains people have to endure. And, about 1 out of 5 people, after a shingles attack, will experience a worse, persisting, and debilitating pain called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). The pain can […]
Psychiatric and Neurological Conditions
Psychiatric and Neurological Conditions Table of Contents PEMFS AND PSYCHIATRIC AND NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS There is much press recently about the use of FDA approval. This involves high intensity, prescription level, repetitive/rapid transcranial magnetic field (rTMS) stimulation. It is for the treatment of psychiatric and neurological conditions. PEMF therapy for brain and neurological conditions has greatly increased curiosity […]
Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed by Science
Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed by Science Table of Contents OVERVIEW I’m honored to have been a featured expert in the Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed by Science series which details powerful alternative medicines for healing disease. In Episode 6, Overcoming Pain, I outline how PEMFs are effective tools for managing pain by sharing some of the key mechanisms of […]
Prostate Hyperplasia or enlargement (BPH) Table of Contents Prostate hyperplasia, also known as benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), or enlarged prostate, is a fairly common prostate problem for men. In fact, in North America alone, it is one of the most common diseases conditions in men. BPH has several potential dangers and complications for those who […]
Phantom Pains and PEMFs
PHANTOM PAINS AND PEMF’S Table of Contents SUMMARY Pain following amputations (post-amputation pain – PAP) is very common and challenging to treat. There are many mechanisms that cause PAP. They involve brain, spinal and local aspects. The brain aspects involve reorganization of brain nerve patterns representing the amputated limb that result in phantom limb pain […]
PEMF vs TENS – Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Vs Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, What’s the Difference?
PEMF vs TENS – Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Vs Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, What’s the Difference? Table of Contents There’s a lot of confusion around the differences with Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) devices. Most often with other electrotherapy and electrical stimulation (e-stim) devices. This is especially true for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) machines. Although there […]
PEMF Therapy for Athletes and Sports Performance
PEMF Therapy for Athletes and Sports Performance Table of Contents In athletic competition, peak performance is the goal. To reach this optimal performance level, athletes train hard – sometimes harder than they should. Even if the training is appropriate, muscle fatigue results from the effort. Proper recovery and healing is important. When given adequate attention, […]
PEMF Therapy – Scams, Lies and What To Watch Out For
PEMF Therapy – Scams, Lies and What To Watch Out For Table of Contents If you’ve been considering purchasing a PEMF device and conducting research online, you might be very confused. How can you know what information is simply marketing, and what is real? Who do you believe about what type of PEMF device is […]