Transcript: This is a good question that I get not infrequently, and it has to do with Dr. Tennant and one of his devices. Dr. Jerry Tennant uses a device called an Avasyia. He has a whole comprehensive approach to using his system. The Avasyia is based on a device called a Scenar. I have an Avasyia device, and I’ve used it. Avasyia is basically electrical stimulation. When you have electrical stimulation you have electromagnetic stimulation, but there’s a difference between the two. The difference is that electrical stimulation is applying directly to the tissue. In a sense, it’s a form of electrocution, but it’s controlled electrocution. You’re actually doing electrical stimulation directly, you’re taking an electrical wire coil through an electrode and applying it directly to the skin.
That’s called capacitively coupled electrical stimulation. PEMFs cause current production in the body. They’re inductively coupled, so they’re causing the body to produce the correct, not introducing current. It’s a very natural approach to having an increased electrical charge in the body.
The Avasyia is putting the charge into the body. It still is very effective, but it’s uncomfortable, you have to go to somebody, typically, to use it. You can do it yourself, but it doesn’t heal deep. It doesn’t stimulate the individual cells.
One of the things I learned early on with magnetic field therapy is that acupuncture works indirectly. You put a needle into your hand and you get an indirect effect on the rest of the body. That’s good because it does help with healing in general, helping to improve the vitality of the body and stimulating the brain and other organs indirectly through parasympathetic and sympathetic balancing – there are a number of mechanisms. The difference between PEMF therapy and acupuncture and the electrical stimulation therapies is that you’re treating the cell directly.
When the magnetic field goes into the tissues, it goes right through the tissues, completely through the body. The body doesn’t stop a magnetic field. Electrical stim is stopped at the tissue, it doesn’t go deep at all. If you want it to go deep into the body, you’ll have to increase the intensity and if you increase the intensity, you increase the risk of burning the tissues. Electrical fields are used to burn warts and scars and lesions and so on. We use them medically, therapeutically to burn the tissue on purpose. But you don’t have to worry about that with magnetic field therapy. It goes right on through and as it’s going through, it’s increasing charge in the body. That increase in charge, NATP, plus all the other actions that magnetic fields have caused healing to happen in the body. That’s why it’s important.
That’s why it’s also safer to use around the brain. There are electrical stimulation systems that include implanting stimulation devices into the brain for Parkinson’s and other diseases. Well, that’s invasive and it causes problems, it causes damage by itself. Magnetic field therapy doesn’t have that problem because it goes right through, it doesn’t stay in the brain, and it increases charge in the brain tissues themselves directly, so that becomes very safe.
That’s why I recommend it compared to the Tennant machine. Now again, it’s a personal choice. Tennant therapies work very well for many people, and they’re very local in their therapies. I’ve tried many different devices. I’ve looked at many different devices, I’ve purchased many devices, I’ve done many different types of therapies and I’ve compared all of these therapies. They all have value. Combining magnetic field therapy with other therapies produces often more benefit than any one therapy individually. But if you’re going to spend $1,000-$3,000 or more on a magnetic therapy system then you have a much wider range of possible uses for that system to help you than in these other therapies. The value factor for PEMF therapy is much better than the value factor for most other therapies. They tend to be very siloed in what they do.
That’s why I, as a physician, have determined that if I’m going to try to provide the most value, the most benefit for the most people, for the most problems, PEMF therapy is generally going to do that the best. It’s not the only solution. We do combine things, for example, PEMF therapy is very helpful with ozone therapy. Ozone therapy and PEMF therapy alone don’t do as well as the two combined. The same thing happens with light therapies, nutritional therapies, and so on. Combining them is effective. But if you have limited funds, I feel you’re going to get the most mileage out of your PEMF system.