Lyme Disease Treatment And Alternative Therapies
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Lyme disease is caused by the transmission of bacteria and viruses by the deer tick. Tick borne diseases are found throughout the world. The bacteria infection caused by the tick bite in the case of Lyme disease is a corkscrew type organism, called a spirochete. These are very hardy and reproduce very rapidly.
Lyme disease infection, called borreliosis, is a major health challenge. Is very tiny and is often hard to see and is frequently not seen before infection sets in. A classic sign of Lyme infection is the so-called target or bull’s-eye skin lesion. Many people who have Lyme disease never see a bull’s-eye lesion.
Lyme disease can cause a vast array of health problems. This depends on where the infection settles into the body. It can affect the brain, muscles and joints, the lungs, heart, the intestinal tract, and so on. The most common reactions are in the brain, muscles and joints and the heart. Most of the time it is treated early with antibiotics. Some people need long-term IV antibiotics to handle the infection. There is much controversy between conventional medicine and Lyme specialists on the best management of Lyme infection. Many people are treated shortly after a bull’s-eye rash and never seem to have a problem again. Many people show up with chronic severe ill-defined conditions. These, upon testing often months to years later, reveal the history of Lyme exposure.
Lyme disease often becomes chronic. I often tell my patients, that there are 4 aspects to Lyme disease. Number 1 is the actual active infection with the spirochete. The 2nd is the presence of the hidden, other morphological, hidden in the cell or intracellular forms of the organism. These tend to be chronic aspects of the infection. The 3rd form of reaction is an autoimmune reaction to the infection. This is also likely to be manifested and chronic long-term health conditions, not unlike rheumatoid arthritis or other connective tissue disorders. The 4th form of reaction is the actual damage caused by the infection. Acute Lyme infections, like any other infections, can settle in various tissues or organs of the body and create variable amounts damage, inflammation or scarring.
Obviously, Lyme disease needs to be treated with appropriate antibiotics, nutritional support, supplements and other therapeutic modalities, such as chiropractic and acupuncture. Some people need long-term IV antibiotics.
In the acute phase of the Lyme infection, antibiotics will usually suffice. In the chronic phases, it is very difficult to completely eradicate the infection or its consequences. This is where PEMFs come in.
Because PEMFs help with reducing inflammation, improving circulation, reducing pain and in general improving the value of other treatments, they should be part of any treatment program in any one with chronic Lyme related health problems.
A very common problem with Lyme disease is chronic pain. Many patients with Lyme disease become dependent on narcotics for their pain management. Unfortunately, narcotics can also be immunosuppressive and may in the long run be more harmful to the individual, besides the risk of addiction. PEMFs not only help with pain but also help to address the underlying causes of the pain in the body. This was spoken about very eloquently by Dr. Oz. PEMF therapy used at home on a daily basis is necessary to manage the pain of Lyme disease. Occasional treatments in a Dr.’s office will not do the job for somebody with chronic daily pain. Moreover, at the very least, these occasional treatments will only provide temporary relief. The major value of PEMFs, is that they can be purchased and used in the home setting at one’s convenience, at one’s own schedule.
One of the most important aspects of the use of PEMFs for Lyme disease management is to be able to uncover or expose the forms of the Lyme organism that hideout in the cell, hidden from detection by the natural immune system. Antibiotics have not been found very useful for attacking these hidden forms. PEMFs help to open cell membrane channels, allowing nutrients better access to the inside of the cell and also helping the cell to eliminate waste better. By balancing the energy of the cell membrane, the cell will be healthier and more resistant to the hidden forms of the Lyme disease in the cell.
Lyme disease in the brain, called neuro-borreliosis, is especially challenging to treat. Many medical treatments and nutritional approaches do not access the hidden Lyme organisms in brain tissue, due to not be able to get through the blood brain barrier. PEMFs have been shown to increase the diffuse-ability of the blood brain barrier, allowing better access of treatments, supplements, herbs and nutrients into the interior of the brain’s nerve cells.
Consequentially, because of the longer-term damage done by Lyme infection, ongoing daily home use of PEMFs, likely for a person’s lifetime, may be necessary to achieve the best results. I honestly cannot tell you that PEMFs will cure your Lyme disease. I should also say that there is very little hope of complete cure with any treatment. This is largely due to the autoimmune and chronic damage caused by the infection. In addition, the chronic use of multiple oral or intravenous antibiotics will clearly leave the body suffering from them as well. Using PEMFs along with antibiotics can make a big difference, in making them even more effective. I’ve had many patients who have reported that when they don’t use their magnetic systems daily, they feel worse.
Consequentially, Lyme disease can be such a stubborn and challenging condition to manage. Lastly, PEMFs can be dramatically helpful for many people, and I routinely recommend them to my Lyme patients.